May this be your place of learning and raising awareness.
...maybe there is something worth fighting for.
Flat Earth is truth; and all this #666 symbolism is man made art. is the answer I have for you.
We have a solution for you! #FlatEarthFightClub
NASA lost hundreds of thousands of data reels from the "faked" moon landing... Hollywood lost the film.
The point of the x4 corners point to CENTER EARTH. #TheCross
...flat earth waters. our creator, MONK ZYLIO aka Kirby Foster, aka The Living Man In The Flesh. (I AM)
...trillionaire BIG OIL industries know the truth about FLAT EARTH!
...outer-space is out past the ICEWALL, not UP into the waters above.
Turn off the lights and allow the subconscious mind to take control.
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We are so happy you are here! Tell your close friends and family members about our private learning experiece here at; as we stay sharing eachothers awareness and perspective on the topics such of where we stand and who we are in this existence!