Flat Earth Fight Club
*Adding more discovery to Flat Earth every day*

*Adding more discovery to Flat Earth every day*
If you believe humans live on a spinning globe, think again. The spinning globe earth paradigm is some 500 years and running conspiracy perpetrated by the Jesuits, the Vatican, Zionist Jews, and the Freemasons.
There is no observable curvature on this earth and motion has never once been detected. NASA has never been past low earth "orbit" and the moon landing was obviously staged. Once you understand the consequences of living on a flat earth, you'll start to see why this information is so important.
There is controlled opposition to keep people away from flat earth truth. Unlike the Space and Universe channel with their phony ISS live feed of earth from space, flat earth livestreams are jampacked full of facts which provide flat earth proof.
Flat earth is not a theory and it has not been debunked. Though we are forced to theorize on what an accurate map of the earth may look like, at least we don't make wild claims such as earth is spinning, earth is orbiting the sun, gravity, etc. Earth is a flat and stationary plane just as it appears and just like our senses tell us.
NASA lies and is basically spearheading the campaign to deceive you and the rest of the world. Even SpaceX and other "aerospace" companies are a part of the deception, at least the owners and employees at the highest echelons. (To clarify, not every scientist, pilot, school teacher, nor NASA employee is in on this ordeal).
Don't let these fake space programs and mainstream pseudo sciences fool you. Think critically, logically, and do YOUR OWN research before blindly believing; you live on a spinning, pear shaped, oblate spheroid, darting through infinite space at ridiculous speeds, which have never been proven.
Research Flat Earth; and check out the private hand made book, "Unlocked Mind" found in our products section of the website.
-All images of the Earth from space are admitted being computer generated
-We're able to see objects such as land, buildings, and boats that are supposed to be behind earth's 'curve'
-The Bible repeatedly describes the Earth as Immovable (Stationary), Geocentric, and Enclosed in a solid dome structure called the Firmament
-The North Star, Polaris, never moves and the constellations have never changed
-Horizon always rises to eye level
-Water is always level and it makes up 71% of our earth
-The heliocentric model was created by Freemasonic Occultists
-All the space agencies share the same vector logo
-Astronaut almost drowning in space
-Water bubbles & Scuba tank viewed in space
-Density, Buoyancy, and Electromagnetism are better explanations for gravity
-Fisheye lenses are used to fake the curve of Earth
-No observable proof of evolution
-Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel
-Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve
-The United Nation's logo is a Flat Earth map
-Flight paths make much more sense on a Flat Earth
-All but one CHALLENGER crew members are proven to still be alive today
-No genuine 24-hour live feed of the ball earth from an outer space
-No real pics of Earth from Space
-No actual photos of Satellites in Space
-Sun dogs and Sun Hot spots -Antarctic Treaty
-Admiral Byrd said that there is more land
-The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the Earth is stationary
-Rockets never go straight up
-Bedford Level Experiment
-Our own senses tell us the earth is flat and stationary
-The Sun & Moon appear as the same size
-No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south
-The Antikythera
-Sun dials
-No parallax with the stars
-Time lapse Star Trails shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star
-Bolivian Salt Flats missing curvature
-Sun shrinks smaller as it sets
-Architects, Excavators, and Railroad Engineers don't account for the curve
-Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve
-The Selenelion Lunar Eclipse
-The Analemma Time Lapse of the Sun
Globeheads: "What difference does it make? -Why does it matter?"
Flat Earth Fight Club: If you cannot figure out why it matters; that the people running your world, are lying to you, over and over, your entire life, and are trying to control you, you are deeply enslaved.
Suppressing of information, knowledge, and critical thinking, is absolute control over your life.
Deception of information and wisdom is a form of control over your way of life and your way of thinking.
Once they start lying to you about where you live; they have you under their control!
Once they have you fooled, they can remain acting upon their evil deeds and mischievous actions.
Can you really not figure out that someone lying to you is trying to control you? ...nor think past the barriers of your mind programming to consider you are much more than a monkey spinning on a ball of magma, covered in water; through a nothingness vacuum space?
Consider, there may be more lands hidden from us; free energy, as well as a more peaceful, creative, and happy way of life than we all currently live...
Can you truly not use your critical thinking skill to think through the fact, that we are spiritual beings with a soul of godly frequencies, and there is a higher power at hand?
Come see who we are; and what we are about. Meet our team and creator here at Flat Earth Fight Club.
Photos, Memes, and Artwork of Flat Earth by Flat Earth Fight Club team.
Links to Flat Earth Fight Club social networks, and bonus links to our sister truther networks...
ALL donations are used to expand research, build larger truthing platforms, create content for learning, and creating digital content for entertainment.
Chinese Proverb
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*All donations go toward research expansion, research tools, and content creation.
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We are so happy you are here! Tell your close friends and family members about our private learning experiece here at www.flatearthfightclub.com; as we stay sharing eachothers awareness and perspective on the topics such of where we stand and who we are in this existence!